Kumar Machine Tools
(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company)

Security & Privacy Policy

Kumar Machine Tools is committed to protecting any personal information that You may provide to Us. In particular, We believe it is important for You to know how We treat information about You that We may receive from this Web site “www.kmtudyog.com” (“Site”).

In general, You can visit this site without telling Us who You are or revealing any information about Yourself. Our web servers collect the domain names, not the e-mail addresses of visitors.

There are portions of this Site where We may need to collect personal information from You for a specific purpose. The information collected from You may include Your name, address, telephone, fax number, or e-mail address, etc. This Privacy Policy is applicable to any personal information, which is given by You to Us (“User Information”) via this Site and is devised to help You feel more confident about the privacy and security of Your personal details. When You leave your contact details please note that We are not bound to reply.

This Site is not intended for persons under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from or about children, and We do not knowingly market Our products or services to children.

“You” shall mean You, the User of the Site and “Yourself” interpreted accordingly. “We” / “Us” means Kumar Machine Tools and “Our” interpreted accordingly . “Users” means the Users of the Site collectively and/or individually as the context allows.

Data Collection

When using the Site You may be asked to enter User Information. Such User Information will only be Used for the purposes for which it was collected, for any other purposes specified at the collection point and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

How We may use Your data

By entering Your User Information, You accept that We may retain Your User Information and that it may be held by Us or any third party company which processes it on Our behalf.

We shall be entitled to Use Your User Information for the following purposes:

Please also note that We do not disclose Your personal information to third parties to enable them to send You direct marketing without Your permission to do so.


You should be aware that information and data may be automatically collected through the Use of Cookies. "Cookies" are small text files that store basic information that a Web site can use to recognise repeat site visits and as an example, recall Your name if this has been previously supplied. We may use this to observe behaviour and compile aggregate data in order to improve the Site, target the advertising and assess general effectiveness of such advertising.

Cookies do not attach to Your system and damage Your files. If You do not want information collected through the Use of Cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows You to deny or accept the Cookie feature. Note, however, that "personalised" services may be affected if the cookie option is disabled.

If You wish to disable the setting of cookies in Your browser, please click here for instructions.

Security and Data Retention

Security is very important to Us. All security procedures are in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Your User information. We maintain strict physical, electronic, and administrative safeguards to protect Your personal information from unauthorized or inappropriate access. We restrict access to information about You to those of Our employees who need to know the information to respond to Your inquiry or request. Employees who misuse personal information are subject to disciplinary action.

We will comply with all relevant Data Protection legislation in relation to the period for which We retain any information You disclose to Us.


We may change this privacy policy from time to time and You should check these regularly. Your use of the Kumar Machine Tools Site will be deemed an acceptance of the privacy policy existing at that time.

Any site that You may connect to from here is not covered by this Privacy Policy.

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